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Bus: (949) 215-0180
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Email: info@clearscreening.com


Tenant Screening Communication and Negotiation Skills

Are you a landlord looking to improve your tenant screening process and effectively communicate with potential renters?

In this article, we will explore the importance of tenant screening and how to communicate with tenants professionally.

We will also discuss negotiating rental terms, key skills for successful tenant screening, and how to handle difficult situations with tenants.

Whether you are a new landlord or a seasoned pro, these tips and strategies will help you navigate the rental market with confidence…Read More.

Rental Applicant Screening For Apartments

Are you a landlord looking to find the perfect tenant for your rental property? Tenant screening is a crucial step in ensuring you choose the right individual to occupy your space.

SmartScreen provides tools and resources needed to make informed decisions when selecting tenants. From credit checks to employment verification, SmartScreen offers a comprehensive background check service that helps landlords reduce the risk of troublesome tenants.

Stay compliant with fair housing laws and save time and effort by choosing SmartScreen for your tenant screening needs…Read More

Best Resident Screening

Are you a landlord looking for reliable and responsible tenants for your property? If so, tenant screening is crucial in ensuring you find the right fit.

SmartScreen is your trusted partner in tenant screening, offering a range of services, advanced technology, and dedicated customer support.

We will explore why tenant screening is important, what SmartScreen offers, and what factors landlords should consider when choosing a screening service.

Discover how SmartScreen can help you make informed decisions when choosing tenants…Read More.

Rent Payment Method Preference

The choice of payment method plays a crucial role in the landlord-tenant relationship. Each method, from cash to online payments, has its pros and cons. Factors such as convenience, security, cost, and timeliness must be considered when choosing a payment method. Landlords can encourage tenants to use a preferred method by offering incentives, providing education, and implementing policies. As trends in rent payment methods evolve, both landlords and tenants need to stay informed. Let’s explore why rent payment method preference is important and how you can make the best choice…Read More.

Frequent Residency Changes

Moving frequently can have a significant impact on individuals and families. From job opportunities to personal preferences, there are various reasons why people choose to move often.

In this article, we will explore the reasons behind frequent residency changes, the effects they can have on individuals and families, especially children, and ways to cope with the challenges that come with constant relocation.

We will discuss strategies to prevent frequent residency changes and establish stability in one’s living situation…Read More.

Rental Property Visit and Inspection

Renting a property comes with its own set of responsibilities and tasks, and one crucial aspect is the rental property visit and inspection.

But what exactly does this entail? Why is it necessary, and what can you expect during the visit?

From key areas that are inspected to common red flags to watch out for, it’s important to be prepared…Read More.

Tenant Screening Rent to Income Ratio

Are you a landlord looking to find the perfect tenant for your property?

Tenant screening is a crucial step in the process, ensuring you choose a reliable and responsible renter.

Factors such as credit history, criminal background checks, rental history, and employment verification all play a role in determining the suitability of a potential tenant.

Consider the rent-to-income ratio as well. This often overlooked metric can provide valuable insight into a tenant’s financial stability and ability to afford rent…Read More.

Guarantors Financial Stability for Tenant Screening

Are you looking to secure a rental property but facing challenges due to a low credit score or insufficient income? In such cases, having a guarantor can greatly increase your chances of getting approved.

We will explore the responsibilities, benefits, and risks associated with being a guarantor, as well as provide tips on how to choose the right person and what documents you need for the process. Let’s demystify the role of a guarantor in the rental process…Read More.

Tenants Lifestyle Habits

Have you ever considered how a tenant’s lifestyle can impact property management?

From eating and exercise habits to social and work routines, a tenant’s way of living can have a significant influence on the upkeep of a property.

We will explore why it is important to consider tenants’ lifestyle habits, the factors that affect them, the common lifestyle habits of tenants, and how property managers can address and manage these habits effectively.

Discover the connection between tenant lifestyles and property management…Read More.

Professional License Check for Tenant Screening

Are you a landlord looking to ensure the safety and reliability of your tenants?

Professional license checks can be a valuable tool in the tenant screening process. From verifying identities to evaluating trustworthiness, these checks can provide crucial information to help you make informed decisions.

In this article, we will explore the importance of professional license checks, the types of licenses that can be checked, how they can aid in tenant screening, the steps to conduct a check, limitations to be aware of, and how landlords can use the information obtained…Read More.


Court Records Examination for Tenant Screening

Court records play a crucial role in the tenant screening process, providing valuable insights into a potential renter’s background.

From evictions to criminal convictions, court records can reveal important information that can help landlords make informed decisions.

We will explore the importance of court records in tenant screening, what information they contain, potential red flags to look out for, and best practices for utilizing court records effectively…Read More.

Tenant Screening Stability Indicators

  1. Are you a landlord looking to find the perfect tenant for your rental property?

  2. Understanding the importance of tenant screening is crucial in ensuring a stable and secure tenancy.

  3. We will explore the key stability indicators in tenant screening, including employment history, credit history, rental history, and criminal background checks.

  4. Learn how these indicators can impact tenant screening decisions and identify red flags to watch out for…Read More.

Bank Statement Review for Tenant Screening

Are you a landlord looking to find the perfect tenant for your rental property?

One crucial step in the tenant screening process is reviewing their bank statement. But why is this so important? How can you obtain a tenant’s bank statement, and what should you be looking for?

In this article, we will explore the significance of bank statement review in tenant screening, red flags to watch out for, how to interpret a tenant’s bank statement, and the legal considerations involved.

Let’s dive in and learn how to make the best decision when choosing your next tenant…Read More.

Landlord Pet Policies and History

Are you a pet owner looking to rent a new place? Understanding landlord pet policies is crucial.

In this article, we will explore the purpose and common components of landlord pet policies. You will learn about the types of pets typically allowed, restrictions on size and breed, as well as requirements for vaccinations and cleanliness.

We will also delve into the history of these policies, how they affect tenants, and their impact on rental prices and availability.

Stay tuned for valuable insights!…Read More.

Vehicle Ownership Details for Tenant Screening

Are you a landlord looking to find the perfect tenant for your rental property? Tenant screening is a crucial step in the process to ensure you choose a reliable and responsible renter.

In addition to the standard background and credit checks, checking vehicle ownership details can provide valuable insight into a potential tenant’s background.

Discover why vehicle ownership details are important for tenant screening, how landlords can obtain this information, and what specific details to look for…Read More.


Social Media Behavior Analysis for Tenant Screening

Social media behavior analysis is a powerful tool that allows businesses to gain valuable insights into their audience’s online activities and preferences.

In this article, we will explore the importance of social media behavior analysis, its benefits, risks, and how it is conducted.

We will also discuss the key metrics used for analysis, common findings, and how businesses can leverage this data to enhance their social media strategy.

Discover how social media behavior analysis can help businesses thrive in the digital landscape…Read More.

Utility Payment History for Landlords

Managing utility payments is a crucial aspect of personal finance that often goes overlooked.

We explore the significance of maintaining a good utility payment history, how it is recorded, and the benefits it can bring, such as improving credit score and increasing chances of loan approval.

We discuss the consequences of a poor utility payment history, including negative impacts on credit scores and disconnection of services.

We provide practical tips on how to improve your utility payment history, such as creating a budget plan and setting up automatic payments…Read More.


Public Records Scrutiny for Tenant Screening

Are you a landlord looking to ensure the safety and security of your rental property? Understanding public records can be a valuable tool in the tenant screening process.

From criminal records to credit history, these records can provide crucial insights into potential tenants. We will explore the different types of public records used for tenant screening, how landlords can access and use these records legally and fairly, and the importance of following guidelines such as the Fair Credit Reporting Act and Fair Housing Act.

Learn more about how public records can help landlords make informed decisions when screening tenants…Read More.

Background Check

Are you a business owner, landowner, building manager or employer? If so, you have more responsibility than most. Responsibility for your business or property and responsibility for the people connected to that business or property. If you haven’t thought about it yet, it may be time to consider the value of the online background check. An online background check isn’t hard to do, and it can make a real difference for your future, saving you untold money and potential hassles.  25 years ago, if you wanted to do a thorough background check on somebody, you pretty much had to hire private investigators and hope that they were good at their job. You could go down to a county records office to try to get some information, but it’s likely that information would be incomplete…Read More.

Tenant Rental History Verification

Are you a landlord looking to find reliable tenants for your property?  Tenant rental history verification is a crucial step in the screening process to ensure you are making the right choice.  We will explore the importance of tenant rental history verification, the information included in a rental history report, ways landlords can verify a tenant’s rental history, the benefits of this process, legal considerations to keep in mind, and how to protect tenant privacy during the verification process.

Let’s dive in and learn more about this essential aspect of tenant screening..Read More.

Tenant Interview Process

Are you a landlord looking to find the perfect tenant for your property? The tenant interview process is a crucial step in the rental process that can help you make an informed decision.

This article will guide you through the steps involved in a tenant interview process, from pre-screening to background checks and reference checks. We’ll also discuss the important questions to ask during the interview, as well as the do’s and don’t s to keep in mind.

Learn how to make the final decision on a tenant and the legal considerations to keep in mind throughout the process…Read More.

Identity and Residency Verification

Identity and residency verification is a crucial process used by various industries to confirm individuals’ identities and ensure they reside at the specified address.

This article delves into why identity and residency verification is important, the risks of not verifying, different verification methods, industries that require verification, how the process works, common challenges, and best practices.

Understanding the significance of this process and implementing best practices can help organizations enhance security and protect against fraudulent activities…Read More.

Eviction Records Search

Are you a landlord looking to screen potential tenants? Or perhaps you’re a renter wanting to ensure your record is clean before applying for a new lease?

Understanding eviction records and how to search for them is crucial. We will explore what eviction records are, why they are important, how to search for them, what information they contain, relevant laws and regulations, how to interpret and verify the information, what to do if an eviction record is found, and how to protect yourself from one.

Let’s dive in!..Read More.

Personal References Assessment

Are you wondering what a personal references assessment is and why employers require it?

We will explore the importance of personal reference assessments in the hiring process and what information employers look for in these assessments, including qualities such as work ethic, communication skills, and leadership abilities.

We will provide tips on who to choose as personal references and how to prepare them for an assessment.

Stay tuned to learn more about this crucial step in securing your dream job…Read More.

Tenant Income Employment Confirmation

Tenant Income Employment Confirmation is a crucial process for landlords to verify the financial stability of potential tenants. This article explores why Tenant Income Employment Confirmation is important, the benefits it offers, and the information required for the process. It delves into how landlords can obtain this confirmation, legal considerations to keep in mind, and ways to protect themselves when requesting such information.

Stay informed on the importance of Tenant Income Employment Confirmation to make informed rental decisions…Read More.

Prior Landlord References for Tenant Screening

When selecting the right tenant for your rental property, prior landlord references play a crucial role in the screening process. These references provide valuable insights into a potential tenant’s past behavior and reliability.

In this article, we will explore the importance of prior landlord references, what information should be included in them, how landlords can obtain these references, and what red flags to watch out for. We will also discuss how landlords can protect themselves from false or biased references…Read More.


Tenant Background Check for Criminal History

Are you a landlord looking to find the best tenant for your property? One crucial step in the process is conducting a thorough tenant background check.

This article will explore the importance of tenant background checks, the information included in them, how landlords can perform these checks, the laws and regulations surrounding them, potential red flags to look out for, and how landlords can use the information gathered.

Stay tuned to learn all you need to know about tenant background checks!..Read More.

Employment Background Check

Hiring new employees is always a challenge. There are a lot of people out there looking for work, but only a select few that are qualified to work for you. On top of that, even if you find someone who seems like the right person, there might be something in the individual’s background that suggests otherwise. Unfortunately, that’s something you might not find out until it’s too late. You may request that a potential employee disclose all relevant information, but let’s face it, if he or she wants the job, that potential employee might not tell you everything. That’s where a good employment background check comes in…Read More.

Criminal Records Search

Are you planning on hiring someone new or taking on a new tenant? This new person may seem honest and trustworthy but how can you really know? You can’t. In fact, the people who are most likely to take advantage of you are often the most trustworthy-looking. This is why it can be very important for your first step to be a criminal records search.  Not everyone who has a black mark in their past is an active criminal. Nevertheless, you have the right to know if someone who may be living in your home or apartment, or working for your company, has misdemeanors or felonies in their past. You can make decisions with much more confidence once you have this information…Read More.

Background Screening

In today’s fast-paced world, a meticulous background screening is not just a choice; it’s a necessity. While we all wish to trust those we encounter, delving into someone’s past can reveal crucial information that might significantly impact us in various aspects of life. Thanks to technological advancements, conducting an in-depth background screening has become more accessible than ever, provided it’s done correctly.  Numerous situations warrant a thorough background screening. Whether you’re evaluating a potential tenant, hiring a new employee, or entering into a business partnership, ensuring that the individuals involved have a clean history is paramount. indispensable…Read More.

Tenant Credit Check

A good landlord doesn’t rent to just anyone. Being a property manager is a business, and if you’re not careful who you have business dealings with, that business could fall apart. When it comes to renting, being careful means doing a tenant check on every person whom you might potentially rent to. One or two tenants who are a week or two behind paying the rent probably won’t break you, but a building full of chronically late or defaulting tenants could. That’s why a complete tenant check on every renter is so important. Fortunately, doing a quality tenant check and getting the information you need is fairly easy once you know where to look….Read More.

Rental Credit Check

Being a landlord brings with it a great many responsibilities, one of which is making sure you have good tenants. While a rental credit check won’t ensure you get the best tenants, it can improve your chances dramatically and give you considerable peace of mind. When your next tenant application comes in, think about the importance of a good rental credit check.  There are actually a number of good reasons for a rental credit check. The primary one, of course, is to make sure the tenant will be able to pay his or her rent. However, doing a credit check on a tenant can also tell you if the tenant is likely to be a responsible renter…Read More.

Credit Reports for Landlords

Why are credit reports for landlords important? Well, you wouldn’t invest a lot of money in a product without doing extensive research on it first, and you wouldn’t lend someone a considerable sum without investigating how likely it is that he or she would be able to pay you back. By the same token, credit reports for landlords provide the research you need to know whether a certain potential tenant is an acceptable risk. The more tenants you have who pay their rent consistently and on time, the better position you will be in financially and the less problems you will have to worry about…Read More.

Tenant Credit Report

As a property owner, you strive to find the best tenant possible for your rental property. A great tenant will take care of your investment as well as fulfill their monthly financial obligations. To find a good tenant, you’ll need to screen your rental applicants. The cornerstone of your rental screening process is the tenant credit report.

A tenant credit report provides you with key information about an applicant’s financial obligations as well as their payment history. A report that shows an applicant’s history of missed credit card payments, outstanding collections or consistently late with payments will give you insight into how an applicant might perform as a tenant…Read More.

Landlord Credit Report

Being a property owner or manager is stressful enough. Having tenants who are late with their rent or unable to pay altogether can make matters much worse. In order to avoid stressful property management situations, it’s best to be proactive about screening your rental applicants. The first thing you need to do is to think about what requirements you would like your applicant to meet. Sitting down and creating a process for tenant screening will help you review potential applicants quickly and efficiently.

Most property managers include a landlord credit report in their screening process. A landlord credit report can be pulled from a reputable tenant screening company…Read More.

Resident Screening Process

Resident screening has become an important process for any property owner or property manager. Entering into lease agreements with quality tenants is the first step in protecting and profiting from your investment. Tenants who are consistently late with their payments, miss payments or eventually need to be evicted will cost owners and managers both time and money.  The first step in implementing a resident screening process is to set your tenant screening criteria. Be sure to comply with Fair Housing Act regulations, the Fair Credit Reporting Act and your local and state laws. You also want to make sure that you are consistent in your resident screening process so that you can safeguard yourself against any claims of discrimination…Read More.

Tenant Screening at ClearScreening

As a landlord, owner or property manager, it is in your best interest to lease property to a responsible tenant. A responsible tenant will treat your property respectfully and pay their rent consistently over the life of the lease agreement. This gives you peace of mind knowing that your investment and your income are both protected. To minimize the risk of renting to a bad tenant, landlords and property managers must screen all applicants. Once you’ve set the standards for which your applicant should meet, ClearScreening can help you gather all the information needed to evaluate your potential tenants. From credit checks, criminal background checks and more, you’ll be able to access information quickly and conveniently at ClearScreening.com…Read More.

Why is a Rental Credit Check is Important

Being a landlord brings with it a great many responsibilities, one of which is making sure you have good tenants. While a rental credit check won’t ensure you get the best tenants, it can improve your chances dramatically and give you considerable peace of mind. When your next tenant application comes in, think about the importance of a good rental credit check.  There are actually a number of good reasons for a rental credit check. The primary one, of course, is to make sure the tenant will be able to pay his or her rent. However, doing a credit check on a tenant can also tell you if the tenant is likely to be a responsible renter. While it’s not always the case, people with good credit tend to be more responsible, and therefore more likely to be people you want to rent to…Read More.

The Importance of a Rental Background Check

Having a troublesome tenant is not an ideal situation for a property owner. A tenant who cannot manage the financial obligations of their lease will cost you time and money. There are ways to avoid entering into an agreement with a less than satisfactory tenant. The best thing to do is to thoroughly screen all renter applicants. This involves setting up tenant screening criteria. Here are some common points to examine when processing a rental background check Does the previous landlord recommend the tenant? Finding out if your prospective tenant has a history of paying rent on time and treating a property with respect will give you peace of mind…Read More.

Tenant Background Check at ClearScreening

It’s essential for landlords and property managers to request a tenant background check for prospective tenants. In order to protect rental income and property, landlords must find tenants who will occupy the property responsibly. This means the tenant must pay their agreed rent each month and treat the premises in a respectful manner. You can avoid the headaches and lost income from evictions and nonpayment by obtaining a tenant background check. If the potential tenant meets your predetermined criteria, then you can have peace of mind knowing that you’ve found a dependable tenant. A tenant background check can involve different types of reports. ClearScreening provides many reports to choose from to fulfill your tenant screening needs. These report options include…Read More.

Tenant Screening Services at ClearScreening

If you are a property owner, landlord or property manager, using tenant screening services is an important part of your lease application process. Finding a great tenant for your investment property is key to your peace of mind. A responsible tenant will respect your property as well as pay their rent consistently. This protects both your physical investment as well as your future rental income. ClearScreening has the tenant screening services you need to help you gather the information needed to evaluate any prospective tenant. Our services are fast, easy and inexpensive. Our tenant screening services can provide you with a wealth of information on any applicant. We offer a multitude of reports as well as additional tenant screening services. Our reports include …Read More.

What is s Credit Check

Whether you are a landlord with one rental property, an owner of multiple units or a property manager, running  credit checks on potential tenants is a smart decision. ClearScreening offers fast and inexpensive credit checks without the hassle. We obtain our reports through TransUnion, one of the three credit bureaus. A ClearScreening credit check includes an applicant’s personal information (name, current/past addresses, social security number, date of birth and employer information), their credit and payment history (credit accounts with retails stores, finance companies and mortgages), any collections or tax liens, a FICO score as well as any warnings or red flags that show potential credit risks…Read More.

Landlord Credit Check at ClearScreening

A landlord credit check is essential for evaluating potential tenants. Whether you’re managing one property or one hundred properties, a landlord’s goal is to find a tenant who will adhere to the terms of their rental agreement. This means finding a tenant who is responsible enough to pay rent on a consistent basis. A useful way to help evaluate a potential tenant is to run a landlord credit check. ClearScreening provides quick and easy credit reports from TransUnion, one of the three credit bureaus. What is in a landlord credit check A landlord credit check gives you access to specific financial information and a full history of an applicant’s credit activities. The credit report will list all the applicant’s personal details such as their name, telephone, social security number, date of birth and information regarding their current/previous addresses as well as current/past employers…Read More.

Tenant Credit Check at ClearScreening

As a landlord or property manager, it is in your best interest to rent a property to a responsible tenant. Late payments, non-payments and evictions cost time and money. By processing a tenant credit check, you are able to screen a potential tenant before signing a lease agreement. Evaluating a rental applicant’s credit report will give you insight into their financial obligations and payment history which will, in turn, help you decide if a particular tenant is a good applicant. ClearScreening credit checks are fast and inexpensive, making your applicant screening process a breeze.

Information Available in a Tenant Credit Check

As a landlord or property manager, it is in your best interest to rent a property to a responsible tenant. Late payments, non-payments and evictions cost time and money… Read More.

Credit Checks for Landlords at ClearScreening

Credit checks for landlords play an important role in the tenant screening process. A landlord’s goal is to enter into a rental agreement with a responsible tenant who will consistently pay their rent for a certain period of time. In order to find a great tenant, landlords will set criteria that a potential tenant needs to meet. Credit checks have become the norm for evaluating whether or not an applicant will be a suitable tenant. Requesting a credit report through ClearScreening is a quick and inexpensive way to obtain the information needed to screen a potential tenant.  When requesting a credit check for landlords through ClearScreening, a landlord will be able to access an applicant’s TransUnion credit report. The report will list pertinent personal information such as name, date of birth, social security number, telephone, current/previous addresses and current/past employers… Read More.


Online Tenant Screening

Are you a landlord looking for reliable and responsible tenants? Online tenant screening is the key to ensuring you find the right tenants for your property.

SmartScreen is here to redefine excellence in tenant screening, offering a range of services to help landlords make informed decisions. From credit history to employment verification, our comprehensive tenant background checks provide peace of mind and reduce the risk of bad tenants.

Discover the benefits of online tenant screening and how you can get started with SmartScreen today…Read More.

Rental Applicant Screening For Property Managers

Are you a property manager looking for reliable and responsible tenants?

Tenant screening is a crucial step in the rental process to ensure you find the right fit for your property.

From conducting credit checks to verifying rental history, there are several steps involved in the tenant screening process.

We will explore the importance of tenant screening, the benefits of using a tenant screening service, and how to choose the right one for your needs.

Keep reading to learn more about how tenant screening can help you find the ideal tenants for your property…Read More.

Rental Applicant Screening For Real Estate Agents

Are you a real estate agent looking to find the best tenants for your rental properties? Tenant screening is a crucial step in ensuring you select responsible and reliable tenants.

We will explore the importance of tenant screening for real estate agents, the risks of not screening tenants, and how SmartScreen can help.

Discover the information included in a tenant background check, how SmartScreen ensures accuracy and reliability, and the benefits of using SmartScreen for tenant screening.

Learn how real estate agents can use SmartScreen to improve their business and why SmartScreen is the best choice for tenant screening…Read More.

Setting Up Your Tenant Screening Criteria

Before any landlord begins to accept applications from prospective tenants, he/she should establish policies or guidelines for what will be acceptable in a new tenant. These policies should comply with Fair Housing Act regulations, the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), and your state and local laws. While criteria may vary from landlord to landlord and between one property and another, the criteria used for a particular period of screening for the same or similar units should be consistent. The criteria you establish should be used for every application that you screen to help safeguard you against claims of discrimination…Read More.

Tenant Screening Criteria Changes For Our Changing Times

In the past couple of years, the real estate market has been turned upside down – experiencing a down turn in the economy, failed banking industry, and all-time high unemployment rate. All these factors have led to a massive foreclosure rate and high rental vacancy rate for landlords and property managers across the country. Our property management customers, who represent all 50 states, are experiencing an average 20% vacancy rate. With the major losses in jobs and a failing real estate market, there are large numbers of people unable to keep up with their bills…Read More.

Tips for Fair Housing Compliance

One of the most important things a landlord needs to keep in mind during the tenant screening process is to make sure they are compliant with fair housing regulations. Every applicant must be treated the same regardless of race or color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status (families with children) and the disabled. If a landlord is found guilty of refusing to rent to anyone for any of the described reasons they face fines and criminal penalties.  The best way to avoid claims of discrimination is to be consistent in your tenant screening practices. Perform the same credit and background checks for each and every applicant…Read More.

CDC Moratorium and its Impact on Eviction

Alarmingly rising corona-virus has brought a significant change in everything. The same applies to the eviction process too. With the unemployment rate higher than the great recession of 2008, nearly 30-40 million Americans are at risk of eviction. To safeguard corona impacted people and to alleviate the impact of the virus, the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) has ordered a moratorium on the eviction.

What is CDC Moratorium?’ CDC has halted the process of eviction of a covered person due to the non-payment of rent. It is enforced from 4th Sept 2020 and valid till 31st Dec 2020. In case of non-compliance with this rule, the landlord or property owner will be fined $100,000 fine or a year in jail, or bothFine will increase to $250,000 or one year in jail or both  if the violation results in death.

..Read More.

The Best 7 Ways to Retain Your Good Tenants

Discover the most effective ways to retain responsible, timely-paying tenants for the long haul. Retaining such tenants not only ensures the well-being of your property and neighborhood but also contributes significantly to your financial stability. Learn why holding onto quality tenants is a wise investment and explore seven proven strategies to foster lasting relationships.

Address Maintenance Concerns Promptly: Show your commitment to tenant satisfaction by promptly addressing maintenance concerns. This not only portrays you as a responsible landlord but also enhances the appeal of your property. Consider offering additional perks, such as professional apartment cleaning, to attract tenants for extended periods. Regular maintenance minimizes repair costs and contributes to a positive living experience…Read More.

Eviction process before and after COVID-19

Pandemic stuck hard to almost every sector of the society and housing is no exception to it. Black clouds are pouring over millions of people who live on rental properties. Loss of wages and jobs are adding a final nail to the coffin making it difficult for the survival of the affected section of the community. Let us analyze what is the eviction process before the virus and how it changed due to COVID-19.

Eviction process before Coronavirus:

Let us begin by understanding the reasons for eviction.

a. Due to Non-payment of rent

b. Foreclosure

c. Violation/ Expiry of Lease

Read More.

Tenant Screening Criteria Changes For Our Changing Times

In the past couple of years, the real estate market has been turned upside down – experiencing a down turn in the economy, failed banking industry, and all-time high unemployment rate. All these factors have led to a massive foreclosure rate and high rental vacancy rate for landlords and property managers across the country. Our property management customers, who represent all 50 states, are experiencing an average 20% vacancy rate. With the major losses in jobs and a failing real estate market, there are large numbers of people unable to keep up with their bills.

Every landlord is looking for good, long-term tenants. These renters are still out there, but, in this current recession, may have fallen on hard times, lost their jobs, and been forced to start over. This does not necessarily mean that they will be bad tenants – determining that would require a deeper look at their credit report where you can see the payment patterns and when they started to fall behind. Tenant screening has been and is at the forefront of accepting new tenants both before and in this new economic environment. However, if landlords continue to use outdated screening criteria, they may have a difficult time filling their vacancies.

by D. D. of ClearScreening.com

Read more about changing your Tenant Screening Criteria Here

Tips for Fair Housing Compliance

One of the most important things a landlord needs to keep in mind during the tenant screening process is to make sure they are compliant with fair housing regulations. Every applicant must be treated the same regardless of race or color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status (families with children) and the disabled. If a landlord is found guilty of refusing to rent to anyone for any of the described reasons they face fines and criminal penalties.

The best way to avoid claims of discrimination is to be consistent in your tenant screening practices. Perform the same credit and background checks for each and every applicant. Your tenant screening company should be able to recommend the reports that are most commonly run and/or the most targeted for the information you’d like to retrieve. We at ClearScreening recommend at least a credit report and criminal background search. However, an evictions search, which shows any unlawful/forcible detainers and/or civil suits, will help round out your tenant screening package. Once you choose the reports you’d like to run, be sure to run the same reports on every applicant to help ensure that you cannot be accused of discrimination.

by D. D. of ClearScreening.com

Read more about staying compliant with Fair Housing Regulations Here

Setting Up Your Tenant Screening Criteria

Before any landlord begins to accept applications from prospective tenants, he/she should establish policies or guidelines for what will be acceptable in a new tenant. These policies should comply with Fair Housing Act regulations, the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), and your state and local laws. While criteria may vary from landlord to landlord and between one property and another, the criteria used for a particular period of screening for the same or similar units should be consistent. The criteria you establish should be used for every application that you screen to help safeguard you against claims of discrimination.

by D. D. of ClearScreening.com

Read more about setting up your Tenant Screening Criteria Here

How ClearScreening Can Help Reduce Your Risk

As a property manager or landlord, you are responsible for placing qualified tenants into your own or someone’s rental property. Finding a good tenant is hard to do, and no one can know whether or not an applicant will be a good tenant based solely on an initial interview. ClearScreening offers several cost-effective reports to provide you with all the information you need to make the right decisions on prospective tenants.

Our various tenant screening options help you reduce the risk of:

  • Don’t take the chance that your applicant won’t pay the rent. Each month of non-payment costs you money. On top of that, eviction of these non-paying tenants can cost thousands of dollars. It is important to know if the applicant has a history of paying rent or other bills late, has an unstable employment record, or has declared bankruptcy. Reviewing the applicant’s credit report and employment verification report can help assure you that you are selecting a tenant who is financially stable and able to make payments on time.
  • Your tenants rely on you for a safe living environment. Be sure that you know the criminal records of possible tenants before renting to them. Renting to those with criminal records not only compromises the safety of your residents but also increases the risk of damage due to theft. Review the applicant’s criminal report to ensure the safety of your other tenants.
  • You or your customers have spent a lot of money on the purchase and maintenance of the property that you are renting out. Making sure the tenants you select will take good care of the property is one of the most important things to consider as a property manager. Our eviction data report and residence verification report will help you determine what kind of tenant your applicant has been in the past.

Eviction process before and after COVID-19​

Pandemic stuck hard to almost every sector of the society and housing is no exception to it. Black clouds are pouring over millions of people who live on rental properties. Loss of wages and jobs are adding a final nail to the coffin making it difficult for the survival of the affected section of the community. Let us analyze what is the eviction process before the virus and how it changed due to COVID-19.

Eviction process before Coronavirus:

Let us begin by understanding the reasons for eviction.

a. Due to Non-payment of rent
b. Foreclosure
c. Violation/ Expiry of Lease
d. Illegal activities
e. Demolition of house

by D. D. of ClearScreening.com

Read more about the eviction process before and after COVID-19 Here

7 Best Ways to Retain Your Good Tenants

Who would not love to keep a responsible, timely-paying tenant for a prolonged period? Such tenants will take care of your property and neighborhood. Let’s find out why letting go of such tenants will come at a high cost.

Why convince them to stay longer?

  • For the monthly rental income. (This is much needed when you rely on rental income for mortgage and utilities).
  • Saves your pocket from spending on extra costs of maintaining, advertising.
  • Free you from the hassle of finding a new tenant.
by D. D. of ClearScreening.com
Read more about 7 Best Ways to Retain Your Good Tenants Here

CDC Moratorium and its impact on eviction

Alarmingly rising corona-virus has brought a significant change in everything. The same applies to the eviction process too. With the unemployment rate higher than the great recession of 2008, nearly 30-40 million Americans are at risk of eviction. To safeguard corona impacted people and to alleviate the impact of the virus, the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) has ordered a moratorium on the eviction.

What is CDC Moratorium?

CDC has halted the process of eviction of a covered person due to the non-payment of rent. It is enforced from 4th Sept 2020 and valid till 31st Dec 2020. In case of non-compliance with this rule, the landlord or property owner will be fined $100,000 fine or a year in jail, or bothFine will increase to $250,000 or one year in jail or both  if the violation results in death.

However, you still owe the rent to the property owner. It only halts the eviction process temporarily. After 31st Dec, the covered person still owes the unpaid amount of rent and penalty or interest due to the non-payment of rent.  

by D. D. of ClearScreening.com

Read more about CDC Moratorium and its impact on eviction Here

Rental Applicant Screening For Tenants

Are you a landlord looking to ensure the safety and security of your property?

Tenant screening is a crucial step in the rental process that can help you find trustworthy tenants. From credit checks to criminal background checks, a thorough tenant screening process can save you time and effort, reduce the risk of problematic tenants, and ensure legal compliance.

In this article, we will discuss the importance of tenant screening, what it involves, the benefits of using a tenant screening service, how to choose a reliable service, common red flags to look for, and how to handle potential red flags.

Stay tuned to learn more about tenant screening and why it is essential for landlords…Read More.

Rental Applicant Screening For Tenants Background Check

Are you a property owner looking for reliable and responsible tenants?

Tenant screening is crucial to ensure you find the right renters for your property.

SmartScreen offers a comprehensive solution for rental applicant screening, including background checks, credit checks, criminal record checks, and more.

With multiple data sources, advanced technology, and trained professionals, SmartScreen ensures accuracy and reliability in the screening process.

Choose SmartScreen for fast, efficient, and affordable tenant screening options, and find the perfect tenants for your property…Read More.

Rental Applicant Screening For Tenants By Landlords

Are you a landlord looking to find the perfect tenant for your rental property? ClearScreening is here to help! With over 22 years of experience in the industry, ClearScreening offers a comprehensive screening solution for landlords, property managers, and realtors.

In this article, we will explore the importance of tenant screening, the information landlords can obtain through screening, how ClearScreening can assist with the process, and the steps involved in tenant screening. Stay tuned to learn more about how ClearScreening can simplify the tenant screening process for you!..Read More.

Rental Applicant Screening For Tenants By Landlords Checklist

Are you a landlord looking to find the perfect tenant for your property? Screening rental applicants is a crucial step in protecting your investment and ensuring a positive rental experience.

We will discuss the importance of screening for landlords, what to include in a rental applicant screening checklist, how to conduct the screening process, and what to do with the results.

Learn how screening can benefit you as a landlord and make the renting process smoother for everyone involved…Read More.

Rental Applicant Screening For Tenants By Property Managers

Are you a property manager looking to ensure the safety and success of your rental business?

Tenant screening is a crucial tool that can help you achieve just that. From credit history to reference checks, there are various aspects of tenant screening that can provide valuable insights into potential tenants.

In this article, we will explore the importance of tenant screening, the information collected during the process, its benefits, how it works, legal considerations, best practices, and ultimately, how you can use it to improve your business.

Join us as we delve into the world of tenant screening and discover how it can make a significant difference in your property management endeavors…Read More.

Rental Applicant Screening For Tenants By Property Managers Checklist

Are you a property manager looking to streamline your tenant screening process? In this article, we will discuss the importance of tenant screening and what is included in a tenant screening report. We will also provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to create a rental applicant screening checklist and how to effectively use it. Plus, we will highlight the benefits of utilizing a tenant screening checklist. Stay tuned to save time, reduce risks, and ensure a fair and consistent screening process!..Read More.

Rental Applicant Screening For Tenants By Real Estate Agents

Real estate agents looking to streamline your tenant screening process?

ClearScreening is here to help! With 22 years of experience in the industry, ClearScreening offers a range of customizable screening packages to help you make informed decisions when it comes to potential tenants.

From credit checks to employment verification, ClearScreening makes tenant screening easy and efficient…Read More.


Rental Applicant Screening For Tenants Co Signer

Are you a landlord or property manager looking to screen potential rental applicants and co-signers? Understanding the importance of thorough screening is crucial in ensuring responsible and reliable tenants.

From gathering personal information to conducting credit and reference checks, the process can be overwhelming.

Explore the significance of co-signer screening, what to look for in a co-signer, and how to effectively screen both rental applicants and co-signers.

Learn valuable insights from ClearScreening, a trusted online tenant screening service…Read More.

Rental Applicant Screening For Tenants Consent

Welcome to ClearScreening, your go-to online tenant and employment screening company with over two decades of experience in the industry.

We offer comprehensive screening solutions to landlords, property managers, and realtors, ensuring they can make informed decisions.

In this article, we will delve into the importance of tenant screening, what is included in a tenant screening report, and how to obtain tenant consent for screening.

Discover why tenant screening is crucial, the risks of not screening tenants, and how it can protect landlords and property managers…Read More.

Rental Applicant Screening For Tenants Cost

Are you a landlord, property manager, or realtor looking to make more informed decisions when selecting tenants?

Rental applicant screening is a crucial step in the process of finding reliable tenants for your properties.

We will explore the importance of rental applicant screening, the different types of screening methods available, the costs associated with screening services, and tips on choosing the right screening company.

Learn how screening can benefit you in reducing risks and ensuring legal protection..Read More.

Rental Applicant Screening For Tenants Credit Check

Are you a landlord or property manager looking for reliable tenant screening solutions?

ClearScreening is an industry leader with over 22 years of experience.

We will explore the importance of tenant screening, the process ClearScreening uses, and how you can benefit from their services.

ClearScreening ensures accuracy and reliability in every report, from credit checks to thorough screenings.

Find out how ClearScreening can streamline your tenant screening process and set you apart from the competition…Read More.

Rental Applicant Screening For Tenants Credit Score

Welcome to ClearScreening, where we explore the world of rental applicant screening.

As landlords and property managers, understanding tenant credit scores is crucial for informed decisions. Factors like payment history, credit utilization, and length of credit history are key in determining a tenant’s creditworthiness.

Learn about how credit scores are calculated and why they are important in the screening process. ClearScreening provides a comprehensive approach to tenant credit scores, with customized thresholds and ongoing monitoring.

Discover how landlords and property managers can use tenant credit scores to streamline their screening process and make informed decisions for their properties…Read More.

Rental Applicant Screening For Tenants Criminal Background Check

Are you a landlord or property manager looking to find the best tenants for your rental property?

One crucial step in the screening process is conducting a criminal background check on potential rental applicants.

In this article, we will explore what tenant screening is, why it is important, and how a criminal background check works.

We will also discuss the risks of not conducting a background check and provide guidance on how to interpret the results.

Stay tuned to learn all about the legal considerations and steps involved in conducting a criminal background check for rental applicants.Read More.

Rental Applicant Screening For Tenants Data Protection

Welcome to ClearScreening, where we prioritize the safety and security of your rental property through our comprehensive tenant screening services. With 22 years of experience in the industry, we offer thorough background and credit checks, eviction history screenings, and employment verification’s to ensure you find reliable tenants. Our strict data protection practices and compliance with privacy laws guarantee the confidentiality of tenant information. Let us help you minimize risks and streamline your screening process for a hassle-free rental experience…Read More.

Rental Applicant Screening For Tenants Data Protection

Welcome to ClearScreening, where we prioritize the safety and security of your rental property through our comprehensive tenant screening services. With 22 years of experience in the industry, we offer thorough background and credit checks, eviction history screenings, and employment verification’s to ensure you find reliable tenants. Our strict data protection practices and compliance with privacy laws guarantee the confidentiality of tenant information. Let us help you minimize risks and streamline your screening process for a hassle-free rental experience…Read More.

Rental Applicant Screening For Tenants Dispute Resolution

Welcome to ClearScreening, the premier online tenant and employment screening company with over two decades of experience in the industry.

We offer a range of services tailored to help landlords, property managers, and realtors make well-informed decisions. From rental applicant screening to dispute resolution, ClearScreening is dedicated to providing comprehensive solutions for all your tenant screening needs.

Explore the importance of tenant screening, the benefits it offers, and how ClearScreening can assist with dispute resolution…Read More.

Rental Applicant Screening For Tenants Dispute Resolution Best Practices

Are you a landlord or property manager looking to ensure the quality of your tenants and effectively handle any disputes that may arise?

Rental applicant screening and tenant dispute resolution are crucial aspects of property management.

We will explore the process of rental applicant screening, the best practices for tenant dispute resolution, and how ClearScreening can assist you in both areas.

Learn more about these essential tools for successful property management…Read More.


Rental Applicant Screening For Tenants Dispute Resolution Character References

Are you a landlord, property manager, or realtor looking to ensure the safety and security of your rental properties?

Tenant screening is crucial in finding reliable and responsible tenants while reducing the risk of eviction and property damage.

ClearScreening, with its 22-year legacy, offers a range of screening services, including credit checks, criminal background checks, and employment verification.

Discover the benefits of using ClearScreening for tenant screening and how it can help with tenant dispute resolution.

Learn about the role of character references in the screening process and why they are essential for making informed decisions…Read More.

Rental Applicant Screening For Tenants Dispute Resolution Checklist

Are you a landlord or property manager looking to streamline your tenant screening process and reduce the risk of problematic tenants? ClearScreening, a trusted online screening company with over 22 years of experience, offers customized screening packages to help protect your property and save you time and money.

From comprehensive background checks to dispute resolution assistance, ClearScreening has you covered every step of the way. Find out how ClearScreening can simplify your tenant screening process and provide you with the information you need to make informed decisions…Read More.

Rental Applicant Screening For Tenants Eviction Check

Welcome to ClearScreening, your go-to source for comprehensive tenant screening services. Whether you are a landlord, property manager, or realtor, our screening solutions are designed to benefit you by reducing the risk of eviction, protecting your property and other tenants, and saving you valuable time and money.

Our detailed tenant screening reports include crucial information such as credit history, criminal background checks, eviction history, employment verification, and rental history. With our efficient online application process and instant results, ClearScreening stands out for its commitment to compliance with Fair Housing Laws.

Join us today to experience the ClearScreening difference in tenant screening!..Read More.


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